Kiran Digest March 2024 [Download PDF]


Kiran Digest March 2024 [Download PDF]

The Month of Ramadan has begun. If you get this number, you are benefiting from the blessings of Ramadan. During Ramadan, the number of prayers increases. Even if we do not recite the Holy Qur’an throughout the year, during Ramadan, we try our best to recite the Holy Qur’an as much as possible and earn good deeds. The recitation of the Holy Qur’an is a great reward. It enhances our well-being. We read the Qur’an, but we do not understand its meaning. In this book, Allah has given the command to live and to purify the religion and the world. They do not come from them. To make the Word of God a system for our lives, it is necessary for us to understand the meaning of the Holy Quran. Read the Holy Qur’an with distortion and variation, so that we can understand the message that Allah has brought to us through this book.

It is God’s grace that Karan has successfully completed another year’s journey. He is 46 years old and is in his 47th year. After the unprecedented appreciation of Women’s Digest, Mehmood Riaz Sahib launched Kiran. Mehmood Baher Faisal’s editorship added colour to it and the contribution of the writers took the paper to the heights of success.

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We are proud of our writers, who honored Karan with his best writings. They play a major role in the success of Karan. The writers of Mahmood Riaz Sahib, Mahmood Baar Faisal and many others are not among us today. We pray for their forgiveness. Readers are requested to pray that Allah blesses them with the highest place in paradise. آمین۔

We would also like to thank our readers for their support and encouragement. We ask that you all stay with us. Ameen Sajida Habib has also left.
Sajida Habib, a very dear personality, a very good writer, passed away from this tragic death.
Allah wants Illya Rajon

Kiran Digest March 2024 [Download PDF]

It was all of these If I were with him or someone else, she would be in class. His classmaterapped around him. I wish he could feel her pain. his son, Inson, could put back his faqr, but since it was not possible Therefore, Astanda had decided to end his ordeal. He had decided to create a new world for himself and Emeral Emerald, away from all these confusions, where he could focus his attention. It would have given him a fellowship full of love and respect, which would have at least, in his case, led him to the presence of his Allah. It would lessen the burden on her heart and the repentance in her soul. In the case of the wicked Melvi, he was sitting on fire at his feet. Now there was only hope of God’s mercy, who could grant him a certificate of acceptance in the House of Azadi. Which could have inspired him to reconnect with himself and discover a new world for himself. He had to start his life all over again. A new heaven and a new earth. And all this he did this time alone and alone, without the sacrifices of Saloni Gardezi and her love. That was his punishment, and perhaps his forgiveness.

Kiran Digest March 2024 [Download PDF]

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