Palestine Land Day Return March [A Day to Protest and Resist]


Palestine Land Day Return March == 30 March an Annual Day of Commemoration for Palestinians

On 30 March 1976, Palestinian people set to protest against the Israeli government. Because Israel decided to expropriate 60,000 Dunams of Land which was owned by Palestinian Arabs. In result of confrontations with Israeli Army and Police, six unarmed Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. These events which occurred in history nowadays are known as Land Day Memories. Here below a video is recorded on 30 March 2018 as Palestine Land Day Return March. A Day to Resist and Protest.  This day of 30 March is marked by Arabs as well as Palestinians. 

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      • Palestine Land Day Return March [A Day to Protest and Resist] Palestine Land Day Return March == 30 March an Annual Day of Commemoration for Palestinians
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        • Nowadays, Palestinians are remembering the Land Day as on 30 March 2018. They marched back to their land, as a protest and resistance against Israel. The Army and Police of Israel do not allow them to enter into so-called boundaries of Israel. Many Palestinians are arrested after clashes with army and police. The forces used rubber bullets to disperse the protesters. It is due to the brutality and cruelty of Israeli forces to unarmed Palestinians. Even a Journalist who was on duty to cover the storylines of Palestinians Return March on Land Day was killed by Israeli forces. On 08 April 2018, a large number of people in Palestinians joined the last ceremonies of a funeral prayer of that journalist. On the other Hand, Saudi Arabia announced in an official statement that Israel has right to use its own land while Palestine should not protest. In response, Iran stated the statement of Saudia Arabia is betrayal with Palestine issue.

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