Eye Witness to French Revolution–Against Unfair Taxation & Fudalism

It was late 1700, when French Louis XVI called many advisors to review the weakened situation of treasury of France. Each advisor concluded to levy the tax upon every French person. As a result every advisor was kicked out from the meeting room. After short time, the King realized that the tax matter really needed to be addressed. He appointed new controller general of finance. It was truth, the tax was only applied on peasants. However the fudals, nobels were tex exempt. On the other hand parliment was not agree to increase the limits of tax.

During the Revolution France was Largest Territory by People in Europe.

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      • Eye Witness to French Revolution Eye Witness to French Revolution--Against Unfair Taxation & Fudalism During the Revolution France was Largest Territory by People in Europe There are many similarities Between French & Iranian Revolutions
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        • Many historians admits that the attack on Bastille prison was a turning point in French histroy which inspired the revolution in France. It is why, today, in France, the Bastille holiday is also celebrated. Many participants of revolutionary movements did not want the fall of royal monarchy in France. They only wanted to control the fudals and nobels who were using their power unlawfully. One of the history writer of French Revolution, states, because the result of this revolution was not democracy so it means it was unsuccessful. It can also be stated that the main and important cause of French revolution was poverty and famine. 

          There are many similarities Between French & Iranian Revolutions

          The distance between the classes of society was another cause, which lead the people towards Eye Witness to French Revolution. On the other hand control over the administration by kind and monarch was weakened day by day. The amry of France was distributed. So all these circumstances provided all factors and causes which are necessary and essentials for a revolution. At the end the nice comparision between French and Iranian Revolution has been discussed by many scholars.

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