Madhuri Dixit, the dancing diva with her priceless smile launched PNG jewelers ‘Timeless Diamonds by Madhuri’ collection in Borivali, Mumbai. She graced the event looking absolutely breath-taking in a white Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla suit. The heavily embellished long straight kurta and dupatta made the perfect pick to showcase the diamonds from the collection. The make-up looked errorless and the hair was spun into a low bun. She completed her celestial look with red roses pinned to her bun. Launching the timeless collection, Madhuri Dixit shined like a diamond. (Copied from Indian Blog)
[…] the office, Sami starts to blackmail her, so he calls him in the washroom and there she gives her diamond earrings to Sami. Haalim 19 Nemrah […]